4 Signs Your Organization Is Headed Toward Innovation Collapse S13 Ep43

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: To some organizations, starting an innovation effort seems easy. Just hire some consultants, host a few all-hands meetings and then decree that the organization is embracing innovation. Sustaining innovation over time is incredibly hard. Without a long term commitment, most organizations experience innovation collapse.<br> Are there <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/how-to-uncover-emerging-trends-and-weak-signals/">weak signals</a> that an organization is heading towards innovation collapse?<br> 4 Signs Of Coming Innovation Collapse<br> Here are four signs that organizations should keep a look out for.<br> <br> * Innovation Out Of Fear: For sustained innovation, an organization needs to have a bedrock reason why innovation is important.  For some, it's out of fear. Fear that share price is suffering  because of a lack of innovation. Fear that everyone else is doing it and the organization is being left behind. While fear is a catalyst for innovation, its not a sustainable motivator.<br> * Competitive Urgency: For many organizations, their idea of innovation is responding to their competitors actions. When a competitor launches a new product or service, the organization responds by catching-up. Its innovation effort is reactionary which is not a sustainable approach to innovation.<br> * Innovation Silos/Innovation Fragmentation: Some organizations will attempt to catch-up by starting a large amount of innovation projects. The innovation version of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. Projects will make everyone feel like they are doing something but <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/fuzzy-front-end-innovation-funnel/">without coordination and prioritization</a>, the odds of success are slim.<br> * Lack of Will Power: For an organization to create a sustainable innovation program, their leadership will need to make some changes. Do they have the will power to <a href="http://philmckinney.com/the-ultimate-of-constraint-based-innovation-burn-the-boats/">do whatever it takes</a> for innovation success?<br> <br> During this weeks show, we discuss in more detail each of the 4 signs of pending innovation collapse.<br> We also share what you can do to avoid it.<br>