What Technologies Are On The Innovation Horizon For 2018? S13 Ep47

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: What technologies are on the innovation horizon for this year? I had a chance to sit down with acclaimed Silicon Valley tech analyst, Bob O’Donnell, at the The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), to discuss the highlights of the show and where tech innovation is headed.<br> Bob shared that many of the products on view at CES were technologies debuted in past years, but with tweaks, improvements and continuing development. In his opinion, we are now coming in to the necessary, but less thrilling, phase of making things work together – a gradual progression, migration and integration – steps that need to happen to make these innovations a viable reality.<br> Fully Autonomous Vehicle<br> One of the biggest features at CES that Bob was most excited about was the <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/untold-stories-of-darpa/">fully autonomous vehicle</a>. The timeline for final market release of these vehicles is a good example of how public expectation and actuality are not synchronized. Bob shared that this is a great example of where the public may expect an innovation to become accessible within six months, but in reality it will be three to five years before we are closer to these vehicles hitting the road.<br> Voice-based Computing<br> Voice-based computing was everywhere and the competition is stiff in the area of voice-assisted tech. Bob proclaimed that this is the new OS war with a lot of contenders. The advances and possibilities in smart home technology were impressive although smart home and voice assisted technologies are not without their problems.<br> 2018 Technologies On The Innovation Horizon<br> Some of Bob’s predictions for 2018 (You can see his predictions in more detail at <a href="https://techpinions.com/top-tech-predictions-for-2018/51937">Tech.pinions</a>, <a href="https://www.techspot.com/article/1552-tech-predictions-2018/">Techspot</a> and <a href="https://seekingalpha.com/article/4134914-top-tech-predictions-2018">Seeking Alpha</a>):<br> <br> * Empathetic AI: You will see AI drive empathetic computing. Our devices are still not smart, there’s no sense of context, but you will start to see that at end of 2018.<br> * The Year of the Accelerator: Development of neural network accelerators using chip technologies that operate more efficiently and are extremely power sensitive, allowing you to put more intelligence on the Edge.<br> * Growth of Edge computing: Now everything connects to the Cloud. Companies are innovating in the realm of Edge computing as an alternative to Cloud based computing.<br> * Voice computing: This year we will see refinements and enhancements in voice computing.<br> * Streaming services: As such services multiply – in media and beyond, the integration of these services will be a focus.<br> <br> Want to keep up to date with what Bob is tracking? Check out <a href="http://www.Technalysisresearch.com">www.Technalysisresearch.com</a><br>