Refocusing the Innovation for the Future S13 Ep53

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: Are VR/AR (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality) glasses the future?  It might bring to mind an awkward image. People lumbering with bulky headgear.  Besides intense gaming, what are the practical uses for <a href="">VR/AR technology</a>? By refocusing the innovation and having the courage to pivot, GridRaster Inc. reveals that VR/AR technology is not reserved for gaming enthusiasts.  This innovative start-up is creating the foundation for a new world.<br> Seeing Beyond the Bulky Glasses<br> Rishi Ranjan, CEO and Founder of <a href="">GridRaster Inc</a>., joins me in the mobile studio to share his insights on this burgeoning technology.  VR/AR tech has amazing, unexpected uses. But it’s hard work on the road ahead. It’s a road with some twists and turns, such as when the GridRaster team made the decision to pivot.  <br> Rishi highlights the complexities of developing infrastructure to sustain VR/AR for the future.  Speaking of future, Rishi believes VR/AR glasses will be the next ubiquitous device. <br> “We strongly believe by 2025, everyone will be walking around with these glasses.  But, we have to start building the infrastructure today.”<br> Mobile phone shelved, we will all don a pair of streamlined VR/AR glasses to interact with the world.  Think sunglasses with superpowers.<br> Consumer or Industry: Refocus<br> Things weren’t so clear for Rishi in the beginning.  When GridRaster Inc. started in 2015, the focus was on VR/AR for the general public – the consumer.  They centered the technology around the mobile device platform. Gaming was the assumed end use. <br> GridRaster soon realized  <a href="">refocusing</a> the innovation was essential.  Their focus shifted from consumer to industrial and retail businesses.  Industries can afford to invest in this technology and see a return on investment.  <br> Time to Pivot<br> Business partner <a href="">ODG</a> helped GridRaster <a href="">pivot</a>.  They homed in on three use cases – industrial maintenance work, industrial training, and retail business.<br> Rishi states, “This will be the beachhead – they can build the network based on these use cases.” GridRaster continues to <a href="">develop and refine</a> their technology.  As they establish infrastructure, the game's afoot.  By refocusing the innovation now, their future customers will have a product that is usable and affordable for gaming and beyond.<br> Balance and Adapt<br> Rishi has two lessons to share:<br> 1. Keep your family onboard with the start-up process.<br> <br> Don’t lose sight of what’s most important – your loved ones.<br> Apprise family members of what’s going on<br> Have balance – don’t let your start-up consume your life<br> <br> 2. Be ready and willing to adapt, refocusing the innovation if needed.<br> <br> Weigh input from partners, mentors, customers.<br> Same input from multiple sources? Might be time to pivot.<br> <br> Check out GridRaster’s innovative VR/AR technology at <a href=""></a>.<br> Follow us on the road at <a href="">The Innovators Studio on Facebook</a> to check out where the mobile studio is headed next.<br> If you are looking for advice and coaching around your innovation efforts, then reach to <a href="">The Innovators Network</a> or look into joining the community of innovators that are hanging out at <a href="">The Innovators Community</a>.<br>