#91: Andreas M. Antonopoulos

The Dad Presents: show

Summary: Andreas M. Antonopoulos, the world's biggest bitcoin expert, is on The Dad Presents to educate us all about bitcoin and blockchain technology and how it may very well be the future of money. Coincidentally, bitcoin is skyrocketing at the moment and approaching new all-time highs and Andreas will explain how you can get involved. The fellas discuss: - what bitcoin is - will bitcoin be a viable way to exchange goods and services - what actually gives money value - blockchain technology for future elections? - the corruption of the federal reserve and the fact that its PRIVATELY owned - why fiat currency is ultimately doomed - bitcoin mining- what that is - the possibility of government banning bitcoin We discuss all that, plus I got an education on the real reason why America always backs up Saudi Arabia, even when they're committing genocide or flying planes into our sky scrapers. Andreas is a conscientious guy and he doesn't want you to just take his word for it, so I've included this link (its one of many) where you can read all about it:https://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/072915/how-petrodollars-affect-us-dollar.asp Plus, The Dad rants on the establishment and why they are the real reason we had four years of Trump. Follow The Dad Presents on: Spotify and iTunes: The Dad Presents (please review us and push our rankings higher) Facebook.com/thedadpresents – great daily content Instagram.com/thedadpresents Twitter: @thedadpresents YouTube: @superbaddad Please support our sponsors and help your boy feed his family: SHEATHUNDERWEAR.COM -The most comfortable underwear ever created, made from materials created by NASA (I’m not positive about this) with a special sheath pocket to keep your man junk fresh and clean and give it a little extra bulge. -Use promo code “Dad” for 20% off your order! CBDMD.COM -Great CBD products for pain management and inflammation at www.cbdmd.com Use promo code: TheDadPresents for 15% off your order. CBDMD now has CBD products for pets in their PAW section. VESL.COM -Surfboards and Paddleboards from VESL.com – The only boards The Dad uses Also, buy and enjoy books written by The Dad, J. Matthew Nespoli, on Amazon: Daddy Versus The Suck Monster - “A hilarious memoir on first time fatherhood for a 36 year old man-child”: https://tinyurl.com/p9593sp Broken – “A dark, fictional, comedic tale told with a razor sharp acerbic wit about the dark seedy underbelly of Los Angeles: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll”: https://tinyurl.com/y2p77qar GO SPREAD LOVE, YOU DIRTs!