#217 – What to Expect from Your First Promoted Pin Campaign on Pinterest

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> If you’ve been doing Pinterest marketing for a bit and you’re ready to stick your toe into the Pinterest ads water, you’ll want to listen to today’s episode. Erin and Elysha (Simple Pin’s promoted pins team) are going to tell you what you can expect from your very first promoted pin campaign.<br> If you’re new to Pinterest marketing, don’t jump into running ads just yet. You’re better off to start with the<a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/start/"> newsletter series</a> we developed just for you. But if you’re ready to experiment with ads, listen up. Erin and Elysha are going to tell you everything you need to know.<br> <br> <br> What to Expect from Your First Promoted Pin Campaign on Pinterest<br> <br> Why Are Promoted Pins on Pinterest So Important?<br> If you‘ve never run a <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-ads/">Pinterest ad</a> campaign before, you might be asking the question, why should I even bother with promoted pins? What’s the benefit for me and my business?<br> That’s a great question and one that we can definitively answer.<br> First, Pinterest ads are important to Pinterest because it’s the way that Pinterest makes money. They will continue to push ads in order to continue to grow.<br> More important though is the fact that Pinterest ads can be a huge help to your business. They can help you reach your goals more quickly, thereby allowing your business to grow more quickly as well.<br> What You Need to Know Before Running Your First Promoted Pin Campaign<br> The most important thing to know before embarking on your first campaign is to know your worth.<br> The entire goal of using promoted pins is to increase your reach and expand your exposure. Whether you’re looking to:<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/get-traffic-fast-strategies/">increase page views </a><br> * <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/how-to-attract-email-subscribers/">grow your email list</a><br> * <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-conversion-rate/">increase checkout conversions</a><br> <br> the <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pageviews-vs-income/">bottom dollar is what really matters</a>.<br> Your first bit of knowledge to acquire is exactly what your CPA (cost per action) is. Elysha likes to ask, “What does it cost you to keep the lights on and the coffee pouring?” If you don’t know what your CPA is, one of the easiest ways to find out is by running a <a href="https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/campaign-objectives">promoted pins traffic campaign (now called Consideration campaigns).</a><br> You will discover how your audience interacts with your ads. This type of ad campaign also gives you a baseline for your stats. You will get an idea of what your CPA is.<br> How Long Should You Run Your Promoted Pins Campaign?<br> When you get ready to run your first campaign, how do you decide how long to run it, and how much to spend? Can you run an ad for a week and only spend $5 per day and expect to see success? Or do you need to go in for the long haul?<br> <br> Elysha doesn’t recommend running an ad for a week.<br> <br> Why? Because we know that <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/long-term-results-on-pinterest/">on Pinterest, things take time</a>. If you’re running a basic traffic campaign (now called consideration campaign), you really want to give yourself four weeks minimum. It takes at least two weeks before your ads even get placed well on the platform.<br> It’s crucial to understand how the Pinterest user behaves on the platform, especially if you’re <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/sell-products-pinterest-ads/">selling a product</a>,. Typically, the user researches their need, finds the inspiration they’re looking for, and then returns to the platform later to make a purchase.<br> If you only run a Pinterest ad campaign for a week, you aren’t giving the ad time to work.<br>