268. Election 2020 Results. It's Not Over!

In The Tank show

Summary: <div><span>The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal, Justin Haskins, and Jim Lakely are joined by Isaac Orr for episode 268 of the In The Tank Podcast. The In The Tank crew discusses election night and what the results mean for policy and the Republican Party for the future. They also talk about some of the abnormalities and allegations of fraud that have haunted the election thus far. </span></div> <div> </div> <div><span> </span></div> <div> <span><strong>[Please subscribe to the Heartland Daily Podcast for free on iTunes at </strong></span><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/heartland-daily-podcast/id557620400?mt=2"><span><strong>this link</strong></span></a><span><strong>.]</strong></span> </div>