Author and Finisher of Our Faith – EP43

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Hebrews 12:2<br> "...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Author and Finisher of our Faith<br> <br> <br> Hello welcome back to the One Thing Podcast. Today I would like to reflect just for a moment on one of the titles that Jesus carries. When I say title - a name that He's known to be. We know that all throughout the scriptures He is given the name as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, He is the Son of God, He is the son of David. There so many titles and names that he carries as our wonderful savior and mighty God.<br> "...the finisher, the one who carries us through the end." <br> One that I would like to reflect on today comes from Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 where Jesus is called the author and finisher of our faith. The author, the one who begins our faith as we trust in Him. But not only the one who begins it - the one that initiates it. But He is also the finisher, the one who carries us through to the end.<br> We know that the word says that the Lord Jesus is able to keep us. He's able to keep as close to the Father as we look to Him and as we trust in his mighty power. What does it mean that He is the author and finisher? Let's think and look even deeper. We know that in order to come into salvation, we know that we must recognize that we are sinful people who have turned away from God. The Bible makes so clear that all have turned away, all have done evil in the sight of God.<br> "...turn to Jesus and all who look to Him..." <br> But God has given us the message of hope, that we turn to Jesus and all who look to Him, trusting not only that He would forgive us of our sins but that He would also bring new life within His life. The very life of the Lord Jesus. The divine life that causes us and empowers us to live in glory and power for the kingdom of God as His sons and daughters.<br> But not only that, what a wonderful message, but God takes it even further. He says, not only do I initiate such a faith, but I will also carry it through. You see when we come to the Lord, we come broken, we come desperate, we come really unable, incapable. But God says it never stops at the beginning, but we continue to live.<br> "...the same faith that brought us to Christ is the same faith that will also empower us..." <br> You know not only do we come into salvation in humility and in humbleness and brokenness but we also continue to have faith in the Lord in every step of the way. Maybe today He's calling you to speak about His goodness to somebody. Maybe today he's calling you to go deeper in seeking out His Word. Maybe there's so many different things that He's calling for you to step forward to in His kingdom. Well today, there is good news: the same faith that brought us to Christ is the same faith that will also empower us to do that which he has called us to do.<br> "You’re the only one that can bring forth truth." <br> The same faith that says Lord Jesus even as I study your word, you're the only one that can open my deadened mind. This same faith that says Father, I know you're calling me to speak your word to this person, you are the only one that can bring about the right word. You're the only one that can bring forth truth.<br> So what will it be today? Will we trust the Lord Jesus not only as the initiator, the author of our faith, but will we continue in Him every step of the way. Trusting in Him, hoping that He's the only one that can empower us to live for the kingdom of God in this day of the world. In a world that is dark yet we are the ones who will bring light. Praise God today that we can fix our eyes on Jesus,