Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding – EP48

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Proverbs 2:6<br> For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Hello and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast. For the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth come knowledge and understanding...that's Proverbs 2 verse 6. And proverbs, the book of wisdom it teaches us and helps us to learn how to live right in a pleasing way before God.<br> "What wisdom are you in need of today?"And so it says the Lord gives wisdom.<br> <br> * <a href="/wisdom-that-leads-to-life/">What wisdom are you in need of today?</a><br> * Are you trying to figure out how to please God?<br> * Are you looking for how this day you can bring Him honor and bring Him glory?<br> <br> Well in order to bring God glory, in order to serve Him we need His wisdom. But this is a great hope because the very God that requires us to walk in his wisdom is also the One who gives it!<br> What is the wisdom of God? <a href="/gods-wisdom-ep45/">The wisdom of God</a> is His skillfulness and His way of doing things, it's taking on Jesus' godliness, Jesus' way of making decisions and walking before his father. So ultimately wisdom is Jesus.<br> "...wisdom is Jesus."Would you cry out to Jesus today? Will you seek and ask when you look for his wisdom to be poured into your heart and into your mind? Also from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. What is this knowledge, what is this understanding? It is the way to the Father.<br> True knowledge, the greatest knowledge we can have is knowledge of God which is a knowledge of His great love and who He is. So, as we're coming to the Lord Jesus not only can we take Him to be the wisdom of God but also the One who reveals the Father...who gives true knowledge and understanding.<br> Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.Do you need knowledge today? Do you need understanding? Do you need wisdom? Do you need direction on where to go, how to pray, what to do? Then praise God this day you can cry out for such wisdom for from His mouth also come knowledge and understanding! So may we seek Him in such a way today. May we trust knowing that He will lead us through. And He will lead us to Himself. Thank you father for your wisdom for your knowledge and for your understanding.<br> <br> <br> <br>