The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Knowledge – EP50

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Proverbs 9:10<br> "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."Hello welcome back to the One Thing Podcast!  The question that we have for today is:<br> How do we begin?<br> You may be saying to yourself and even beginning to pray to God saying "Father I want to come close to you, I don't want to live apart from you, I don't want to wander away from your ways, but lord Jesus I want to come close to you, to get to know you.  I want to know your word."<br> "We begin with the fear of the Lord..."There maybe so many different things that you are seeking with God and you're wondering how do you begin.   Praise God His word is so precious and so dear and also so clear.  Proverbs 9 10 says "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  This is right where we began in the Christian life.   We begin with the fear of the Lord,  saying "Father release your fear into my life."The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of KnowledgeThe fear of the Lord is not like the fear of the world that is distraught without hope.  But the fear of the Lord draws us close to God.  It is the fear of the Lord that causes a man or woman to turn from sin.  It's the fear of the Lord that gives us instruction, that causes us to see and to understand that God is in control,  that He is the almighty God the one who holds the keys to death and life in His hands.<br> So where is it that we began?  We begin with the fear of the Lord.  Praying "Lord let the fear of God rise in my heart Father as I read your word today.  Let the fear the Lord begin to come into my heart in to my mind as I am praying.  As I am seeking to follow you Father, let the fear the Lord guide and instruct me in all in every decision that I make today."<br> The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.Praise God He always gives us instruction and he says it's very simple my son and my daughter.  Begin with the fear of the Lord.  It is the beginning of wisdom, <a href="/the-wisdom-of-god/">true wisdom</a>, which is the wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.  To know that He is King, to know that He is in control, to know that He is the only hope of salvation and the One who empowers His people with a wisdom and knowledge, not of this world but a wisdom and knowledge that leads us into salvation.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.