The Count to be Saint: János Esterházy (1901-1957)

The Institute of World Politics show

Summary: This lecture is a part of the 13th Annual Kościuszko Chair Conference by the Kościuszko Chair of Polish Studies and the Center for Intermarium Studies. About the Lecture: Count Janos Esterhazy opposed the Nazis and Communists; he escaped the former only to be imprisoned and killed by the latter. Now he is hailed as a hero by the Hungarians, Poles, and Jews; the Catholic Church has recognized him as a Servant of God and launched Esterhazy’s beatification process. Meanwhile, Czechia and Slovakia cannot forgive the Count’s Hungarian patriotism and irredentism, thus stalling and derailing his rehabilitation. About the speaker: Dr. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz holds The Kosciuszko Chair in Polish Studies at The Institute of World Politics, where he also serves as a Professor of History and teaches courses on Geography and Strategy, Contemporary Politics and Diplomacy, Russian Politics and Foreign Policy, and Mass Murder Prevention in Failed and Failing States. He is the author of Intermarium: The Land Between the Black and Baltic Seas and numerous other books and articles. He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University and has previously taught at the University of Virginia and Loyola Marymount University.