Sean Lowery Interview – The Entrepreneurial Mindset

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Sean Lowery is a highly motivated and passionate entrepreneur. While living in his mom's basement, Sean was called T-shirt boy. Now he runs a 7-figure e-commerce and clothing business called United Monograms. Sean is a thought leader and innovator in his industry. He strives to teach and impact millions of entrepreneurs and individuals around the world. Sean has overcome economic hardships, negativity from peers, and greatly sacrificed many things to make his business flourish. His incredible work ethic, passion to serve others, and obsession to build an empire, makes Sean the success story he is today. Building a business that generates over $10 Million dollars a year, with 20+ employees and thousands of clients worldwide, takes blood, sweat, and tears. Through his journey and experiences, Sean brought us an extensive amount of value in our 29 minutes together. Here are some questions I asked Sean that you will benefit from by listening to his answers: 1. What specific steps did you take to go from your Mother's basement to the business you have today, that can help others grow their business? 2. How do you tear down or get rid of the voices (limiting beliefs) you tell yourself that aren’t helping you to be even more successful? 3. Since time is going to pass every second of the day with however we choose to use it, what time management principles do you use to help you be as effective and efficient as possible every single day? (ex. 7 years or 10,000 hours to be good at what you do.) 4. What is the best way to become an effective delegator, so you only do what you can do and nobody else can do? 5. How do you view the concept of working hard versus working smart? 6. How do you suggest people work to overcome obstacles that can get in their way and slow them from achieving their goals? You can check out Sean Lowery at or his products at Join Sean on Youtube: Below are a few of my business success resources that can help you be even more successful. To help you be even more effective and efficient, so you can achieve your goals at an accelerated rate, you can delegate more to your team members than you have or might think possible. Stop holding on to things that can be done by someone else and do only those activities that you can do and can’t be done by anyone else. Stop doing revenue generation / business development avoidance activities and delegate more! You should be doing only those activities that only you can do and nobody else can. Successful people are excellent delegators, so work at being an even better delegator and be even more successful. Download my Free Delegation List Sample Exercise to help you identify more activities to delegate, by going to To claim my free audio training, Focus on Your High Pay-off Activities and Achieve Your Goals Using Effective Time Management, go to To download my complimentary Time Log Exercise and help you and your team members be even more time efficient, so you are in a higher probability position to achieve your goals, go to: Simple instructions come with the sample document to help you know how to complete the time log. My business owner coaching client wanted to better hold his support team accountable, so I created a performance assessment tool. This enhances regular communication with each team member about their specific performance of what they are responsible for (whether internal or virtual). It lets the team member feel good about their progress and it helps the business owner feel more confident about what is being done and at what level of performance. You will benefit, just as my clients have, from utilizing this simple and effective performance assessment for every memb