To Every Man an Answer 11/13/2020

To Every Man An Answer show

Summary: Hosts: Mike Kestler, Shannon Scholten Questions: What are the Covid vaccine going to do? Will it be bad for Christians? If Biden wins and they start knocking on doors for it, what would we do? I'm conflicted why we should stand up and defend our rights, but Peter did it and got rebuked? Why does the Bible say that Jesus had to learn obedience through suffering? If the leftist Communist Democrats get their way, how do we get together as a whole and stop our government from tyranny? With the Mennonites and the Amish, they were the first to be lined up when the Germans took over. How much do we just stand there and let the government do what they're going to do? Did Fauci take the coronavirus to China in 2014 as part of the New World Order takeover?