To Every Man an Answer 11/16/2020

To Every Man An Answer show

Summary: Hosts: Mike Kestler, Shannon Scholten Questions: In 1 Corinthians 15:4-5, when it says "the twelve" saw Jesus, does that mean Judas Iscariot see the risen Jesus too? In 1 Kings 10:5, did the Queen of Sheba enter the temple? Within the lockdown and One World Government, do I need to be concerned about this vaccine? Why does the Bible call Abraham a Hebrew, when he was from Ur of the Chaldeans and there was no Isaac or Jacob yet? If God never changes, and Elijah was able to do powerful things, why can't we? Have you heard of a nationwide prayer day that churches are trying to coordinate? With JD Farag, he seems to have a different position with supporting Trump. In Revelation 21:8 and Isaiah 54:17, what is our responsibility in catering to the delusional at the cost of hiding our faith?