To Every Man an Answer 12/4/2020

To Every Man An Answer show

Summary: Hosts: Mike Kestler, Shannon Scholten Questions: How do I explain "absent from the body is present with the Lord" to someone? What's your thoughts as to where we are in the timeline and what's God going to do? How will this vaccine alter your DNA? Is there a website that talks about this? Before Saul became Paul, did he know of Jesus at all? Will Trump start going after Biden, Harris, or Pelosi for treason or voter fraud, or would he just let them go? Is it OK for Christians to support brands that openly support the Democrat party? What is the best way to try to get family members to feel the urgency of what's going on? What's the order that the rapture and tribulation will happen in? What do you think if they were to make the vaccine mandatory? Can we assume that since the frontline people (responders and government) would get the first vaccines, the same ingredients would not be in those shots?