Your Mindset Makes a Difference in Your Success

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are talking about ideas to help you with your mindset because I believe mindset can make all the difference in your success. Whether or not you realize it, your business success and revenue will always be in line with your mindset. Think big and you will get much bigger results; think small and…well, you can guess what that brings. The key to growing your business is thinking big! What happens when you think small? You end up thinking about how you’re going to “get by,” or “make it one more month.” Chances are you’re thinking of the immediate short term, just enough to save you temporarily. Another aspect of thinking small is thinking in terms of compensation on an hourly scale. You can’t even think in terms of investments or what would benefit you long term, because you can’t afford to. When you think small, you can only focus on making money for the here and now. What’s the first thing when you consider a new project, application, or business expense? Could it be how much it’s going to cost you? That mindset alone will keep you trapped where you are until you figure out a new way of thinking. To break out of the “thinking small” shell, start considering the value of what it is you are investing in. What will it help you accomplish? What benefits will it deliver? Will it help drive sales? Will it help build your business? Will it free up your time? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself. What happens when you think big? Wealthy people think differently, and that’s no secret, but, what may not be so obvious is how their mindset directly affects their ability to continually grow. They have simply learned through experience or from the guidance of a mentor that there are successful ways to do things - and they know it all starts with mindset. They learn these traits, study them, and perfect them until they make calculated moves that are more times successful than not. I believe that because successful people think big, they have learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable, and that consistently pushes them to do activities that get them to their next level, then the next level, then the next level. Remember the software that you didn’t want to invest money into because you thought it was too expensive? Well, that was the first thing your successful counterpoint purchased! Why? Because it cut time by a third, reduced expenses and increased revenue. While you’re still struggling, the wealthy have learned to leverage their business to allow it room to grow. See the difference in the mindset? Now this isn’t to say you should waste money on non-essential or even useless tools, but there is something to be said for the benefits of thinking big. Something else the successful do that the people who think small or who are struggling do not, is know when to take calculated risk. While you may not be in a position to take any risk at all, the wealthy are continually leveraging their investments. Whether those investments are in the real estate, business acquisition, outsourcing, product shifts and redesigns, or any other number of examples, each investment is essentially a step up. What steps up have you taken lately? They also watch for viable opportunities to build additional income streams. How many income streams does your business have? If your answer was one, maybe it is time to start thinking big or bigger. Adjusting your Mindset If you want big results, you have to learn to think big. By becoming a go getter and ignoring your inhibitions you’ll become more confident and therefore be able to accomplish business growth. There is simply no trick, no silver bullet, method or product that will successfully turn you into a successful entrepreneur if you continue to think small. You’ve got to push the limits, step outside your comfort zone, and reach farther. Here’s how you can get your juices flowing and start…. Think of three ways to increase your income.