1094. Random Samples of Pet Foods Finds Mercury & Other Heavy Metals

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Chef Kevyn Matthews, also known as the Dog Chef (Dogs 101/DOG-TV) is doing a booming business cooking for dogs in the Northeast. He makes nutritious meals that focus on healing certain ailments. He’ll debate the pros and cons of a raw diet with Dr. Debbie. Also, Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Sarrah Dunham-Cheatham randomly sampled 100 pet foods. 16 of those samples had mercury concentrations that were well above the maximum tolerable limit. That’s not the only thing she found. Also, hot on the heels of fatal grooming incidents at Petsmart and Petco, legislators are fast-tracking groomer certification for the unregulated business. Animal Radio’s very own groomer, Joey Villani is helping to push this legislation through. He’ll explain what is currently happening in New Jersey, and how that will become a model for the nation. And finally, everyone knows puppies are cute, but did you know that people find puppies at their cutest stage at eight weeks of age? Experts at Arizona State University’s canine-science laboratory now say they have discovered that Peak Puppy Cuteness serves important purposes and might even play a fundamental role in the bonding between a puppy and its adoptive owner.