1091. Sharing Your Bed With Your Pet Leads to Bad Sleep Quality

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Adi Pinhas is using facial recognition technology in his new iPhone app. You’ll upload a picture of the pet you want and it’ll tell you all the adoptable animals that look like the original picture. The Verge Magazine uploaded a picture of Lady Gaga and got back an adoptable hamster. Also, Kitty Martin love’s her calf so much that she’s put more than $40,000 into rescuing the steer after it’s back legs were amputated because of frostbite. She’s the Hero Person this week with a great story to tell about the human-bovine connection. And finally, if you have a cat or dog, chances are he or she sleeps with you in bed. But new research says that sharing your bed with your pet can lead to bad sleep quality. Recently, at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, data was presented that showed at least 30% of pet owners say their pets wake them up at least once per night.