Dr. Pillai’s Kleem Love Mantra

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

Summary: The Kleem Mantra by Dr. Pillai, the renowned spiritual leader, is the Mantra of love and attraction. The Mantra is a Seed Mantra, the archetype of which is Goddess Parvati, as well as Sri Krishna. The Kleem Mantra invokes spiritual and material fruits. Love manifests itself in different forms. The Kleem Mantra transcends all these forms and goes to the source, the seed, from which love grows. The Mantra helps heal and brings harmony into existing relationships. Always ensure that whatever you manifest while chanting the Mantra should be in your best interest. The Kleem Mantra can activate your Heart Chakra and love for the Divine. Chant the Mantra loudly or silently 1,008 times. You can use prayer beads to keep the count. Cultivate and nurture the Mantra and watch the change within yourself.