Sinning: Why Can’t I Stop Sinning?

Straight Truth Podcast show

Summary: Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning?<br> | Watch This Episode on YouTube<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/sinning-why-cant-i-stop-sinning\/#arve-youtube-y-aa9bxopks65fa0700c518b643451230","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/y-Aa9bXOPks?feature=oembed&amp;iv_load_policy=3&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autohide=1&amp;playsinline=0&amp;autoplay=0","name":"Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/06\/STP-S11-EP08-Why-Do-I-Keep-Sinning.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-06-25","description":"Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"}<br> <br> <br> <br> Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel<br> <br> Support Our Podcast<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Join Our Mailing List<br> <br> <br> <br> Related Messages<br> Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning?<br> To learn more about these truths discussed in today’s podcast please consider watching or listening to the following sermons from the Word of God, delivered by Dr. Richard Caldwell from the pulpit of Founders Baptist Church, in Spring, Texas:<br> Describing Repentance By Analogy<br> A Road Map For Repentance<br> Gospel Comprehension<br> Marvel at Your Salvation<br> The Death That Produces Fruit For God<br> No Chance to Repent<br> Confessing Our Sin<br> Confessing Our Sins - Pts. 1 &amp; 2<br> True Repentance<br> The Blessed or The Cursed? - Pts. 1,2,3,4<br> <br> <br> <br> Watch this episode on Vimeo<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/sinning-why-cant-i-stop-sinning\/#arve-vimeo-41643281765fa0700c5c82268740037","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/416432817?h=93aabc085f&amp;dnt=1&amp;app_id=122963&amp;html5=1&amp;title=1&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;autoplay=0","name":"Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/06\/STP-S11-EP08-Why-Do-I-Keep-Sinning.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-06-24","description":"Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"}<br> <br> <br> <br> Follow Us On Vimeo<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Listen to the Audio Podcast<br> <br> <br> Subscribe on iPhone<br> <br> Subscribe on Android<br> <br> Subscribe on Spotify<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Sinning: Why Can't I Stop Sinning?<br> This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the ramifications of sin in the life of a Christian. Christians understand when they become saved that their sins are forgiven by God, in Christ. Yet, because sin has not been eradicated from our lives, the day-to-day reality continues to be a struggle. How are Christians to deal with this? The desire to do right and obey is there, yet at times we find ourselves still living in disobedience anyway. Often the result of the sinning brings feelings of guilt and grief. Sometimes there are even feelings of despair and worthlessness as Christians are continuously aware of their ongoing failure to please God. Does God punish us for this ongoing sin that we commit now or, will we be punished one day at the judgment seat of Christ?<br> Dr. Caldwell says the New Testament is full of teaching given to the Christian that explains what God has done in saving us. It may be that so much attention is given to this because we are a forgetful people. Therefore, the Bible continues to explain the Gospel to people who have received the Gospel, being a continual reminder for us of what God has done for us. We are people who have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ. We are people who have peace with God.