49 Civic Engagement During COVID-19 (Part 2)

Civic Tech Chat show

Summary: This is the second of two episodes where we'll talk to folks who are leading organizations trying to make civic involvement easier despite the constraints of COVID-19. For this one, we're joined by [Maria Yuan](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariayuan/) to chat with us about their platform IssueVoter which seeks to inform folks about Congress and empower them to connect with its members. ### Resources and Shoutouts: - [IssueVoter](https://twitter.com/issuevoter) - [2014 Princeton study on Congressional decision making and popular opinion](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B) ##### Music Credit: [Tumbleweeds by Monkey Warhol](http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monkey_Warhol/Lonely_Hearts_Challenge/Monkey_Warhol_-_Tumbleweeds)