Spider-Man 2099 and Longevity in Comics with Peter David

The Marvelists show

Summary: Today's episode focuses on Peter David, writer for Marvel for decades who's best known for Spider-Man 2099 and the Incredible Hulk, as well as his work with DC under Aquaman and Supergirl. Peter spoke about his experiences and memories within the industry, at cons, and interacting with fans. Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheMarvelists www.twitter.com/PeterMelnick Instagram: www.instagram.com/TheMarvelists www.instagram.com/PeterMelnick www.instagram.com/eddie9193 Facebook: www.facebook.com/themarvelists www.facebook.com/petermelnickpodcaster Drop us a line in our e-mail bag! themarvelists@gmail.com Also, support the show by signing up for Stitcher Premium! www.wolverinepodcast.com/ and use the promo code MARVELISTS