Week 198 - Republican Nepotism Convention

The Weekly List show

Summary: <p>This week, the Republican Party held its  convention — which was likened to a Trump convention — a four-day span  of shattered norms, and possibly multiple violations of the law. Gone  were names familiar to the Grand Old Party, replaced by Trump loyalists  and his family members. Republicans, for the first time 1856, didn’t  even produce a platform! Instead, the convention was akin to a reality  television show, starring Trump every night, full of lies,  misinformation, and an alternative reality in which the pandemic was  over.</p> <p>As the election approaches, the Trump regime  continues to be increasingly brazen and lawless. This week, the regime  threatened a <em>Post </em>reporter by  telling him they were building a dossier on him and others, mail  continued to pile-up as Trump’s Postmaster General continued to  obfuscate, and by week’s end, the director of the Office of the Director  of National Intelligence said his agency would no longer brief Congress  in person on foreign interference.</p> <p>Jacob Blake, a Black man, was shot seven times  in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, setting off protests, and  later killings by an armed militia member who came from out of state.  Disturbing videos from Kenosha, as well as Portland, Oregon, seemed to  show police officers in cahoots with far-right hate groups and armed  militants. Major league teams protested Blake’s shooting and systemic  racism by canceling games, while Trump stoked division and hate.</p> <p>Read the full list here: <a href="https://theweeklylist.org/weekly-list/week-198/">https://theweeklylist.org/weekly-list/week-198/</a></p>