Week 202 - Peaceful Transition of Power

The Weekly List show

Summary: <p>This week Trump said he would not accept a  peaceful transition of power — a remarkable, unprecedented statement.  While there was pushback in the form of the Senate voting for a  resolution affirming its commitment to a peaceful transition — without  mentioning Trump by name or condemning his statement — Trump persisted  with his lies about mail-in ballot voter fraud, and refused to back  down.</p> <p>While polls show Biden winning nationally and in  battleground states won by Trump in 2016, Trump’s threat, accompanied  by an article in <em>The Atlantic</em>  saying Trump might try a coup if he loses, left the country on  edge — especially with Trump moving forward to appoint a Supreme Court  nominee, stacking the court 6–3 ahead of legal challenges. Even Pentagon  leaders were reported to be discussing what they would do if Trump  tried to use troops on protestors. Yet, while Trump continued to sow  doubt about the election, voters requested mail-in ballots in record  numbers. States that revealed voting requests data by party  identification showed a huge margin of Democrats requesting and sending  back their ballots over Republicans.</p> <p>This week, the U.S. passed the grim milestone of  200,000 dead and over 7,000,000 infected with the coronavirus. By  week’s end, the virus was coming back into the spotlight, not only amid  rising concerns about the politicization of a possible vaccine and  federal health agencies, but also with a new surge in daily cases.</p> <p>Read the full list here: <a href="https://theweeklylist.org/weekly-list/week-202/">https://theweeklylist.org/weekly-list/week-202/</a></p>