Itching Skin & Allergies - Stop Switching Up Proteins - Heal this First

The Raw Dog Food Truth  show

Summary: - We Ship the Raw! Pure Raw Species Appropriate Diet at Wholesale Prices Direct to Consumer Contact Us Today Host of the the Raw Dog Food Truth DeDe Murcer Moffett - CEO Raw Dog Food and Company and Certified Pet Nutritionist along with Dr. Judy Jasek, DVM - Cancer Specialisit and Holistic Vet  Today's episode: How to support your Pets Gut When They Are Taking Antibiotics Long Term Learn: 1. What the real culprit is that is causing itchy skin and allergies. 2. Why allergy test are a waste of time and money and what you can do now to give your pet relief. 3. Understand how long it takes to heal your pup so he no longer itches. 4. Why we would never suggest using Cytopoint or Apoquel to stop itching or allergies in pets. 5. Hear what the Cancer Vet says about food allergies - it may surprise you. Start your pet on a pure raw species appropriate diet today! Check out our wholesale prices!