Dogs with One Kidney Why Feeding a Prescription Diet Is Not the Best Medicine

The Raw Dog Food Truth  show

Summary: - Your Pet's Health is Our Business - Friends Don't Let Friends Feed Kibble We ship the raw! One Stop Shopping - Best Balanced Blends, Air Dried Treats, Homeopathic Supplements, Expert Health Team and Wholesale Prices for Pure Raw Dog Food! Listen each week as the experts in pet health DeDe Murcer Moffett, CEO of Raw Dog Food and Company, Dr. Judy Jasek, DVM and Top Pet Nutritionist Nealy Piazza answer your questions about raw feeding, vaccinations, antibiotics, flea and tick and so much more. On today's episode: 1. What to feed a pet with (1) kidney? 2. Why Prescription Diest are not optimal nutrition especially for kidney patients. 3. What are highly digestible proteins vs. denatured proteins and why this isn't recommended for any pet!   Antibiotics are only recommended when a bacterial infection is present. Please have a verifiable test performed before agreeing to give a round of Antibiotics. Do Not Subject your pet to the "Just In Case Treatment" Antibiotics are now harmless to your pets health.