Ep 165: How to build a life you don't need a vacation from?

You've Got 5 Options show

Summary:   Welcome after the summer break! We have some big news! From now and on You've got 5 options is turning into a bi-weekly podcast, because... we are starting a new podcast! Small Business Rising! Find out more here.  In today's episode, Marta and Anna are solving Alicia's challenge. Alicia has just come back from her vacation and she's not ready to enter the treadmill, so she's asking: How do I build a life I don't need a vacation from? Challenge description:  So… I just came back from vacation and after a couple of weeks I am supposed to be fully recharged and ready to come back to work and “normal life”. Instead, I feel like I just want to lie down in my bed and hide under the blanket. I simply can’t imagine entering the treadmill again. I am really grateful for being able to keep my job through the crisis but the number of requirements, politics and bureaucracy has increased so much, that I completely forgot what I used to like about my job. All the mess also causes me to work longer hours which I simply don’t have because I need to run to pick up my kids and attend to all the commitments around their lives. Just thinking about my everyday life makes me need a vacation. I want the life I don’t need a vacation from, how do I do that? Option 1: Create a vision of the life you wouldn’t need a vacation from  You could use one or more of the ways to create a vision...   describe your perfect day (in detail from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep) imagine yourself in 5 years: how will you be feeling? who will you be? what will you be doing, what will you have? scripting- write a letter to your future self create a vision board Option 2: Detail review of your current situation & priorities ask yourself a couple of questions... where does it really hurt? where do you need a change right now? Work through your priorities: identify your top priorities, rate each of them on a scale from 1-10 in regards to how do you feel it is going for you?  (where 1 is really bad and 10  is great) what is most important to you right now? being a mum? growing your career? personal growth? your relationship? be honest with yourself Option 3: What do you already know and what do you need to find out?  sometimes it's difficult to figure out where to start, writing down what we already know is a great start. sometimes, on the other hand, we can be too optimistic and it could serve us to make a good list of all we still need to find out Option 4: The Grand Research (Search your soul & down-to-earth-research) Option 5: Slicing the elephant or Your next best step  Artist of the week Song "Still Up" by Sabrina Facebook Instagram Youtube Image credit: Image by Daniel Sampaio Donate if you want (Paypal) from