We Shall Lack Nothing – EP62

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Psalm 34:9-10<br> "Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." "To fear God means this, that we worship Him with more than just song, but with our lives." <br> Hello and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast! Today I'd like to share with you Psalm 34 verses 9 through 10 it says, “fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” God is instructing us, He says, “my holy people” you his holy people, fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord, we know, is the beginning of wisdom. It's the beginning of understanding God and knowing Him. To fear God means this, that we worship Him with more than just song, but with our lives. It's where we revere God as the God who spoke from the very beginning. He said, “<a href="/awaken-the-dawn/">let there be light</a>” and there was light in all of the universe! He is God who gives and takes away. He is God, who is able to sustain us by the very word and by the very Spirit that comes from what only He can provide, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.<br> "You see, when we fear God we are taken care of, we find that we are satisfied in Him. <br> We are thankful today, for those who fear the Lord, there is such a reward for those who fear Him, lack nothing! How is that possible? You see, when we fear God we are taken care of, we find that we are satisfied in Him. What a man or woman is truly satisfied in the Lord, they lack nothing. They may not have $1,000,000, they may not be totally poor, but wherever or whatever circumstance or situation they have or where they are in life, they lack nothing because they do not lack the presence of God, they do not lack the Lord Jesus. It says “the lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”<br> "Let a Spirit of the fear of the Lord enter my heart so that I shall not lack any good thing." What is that good thing? The good thing is God himself! For those who fear Him, who choose to fear God, rather than to fear man or to fear the world or anything else that Satan tries to throw into our life when we fear God above all, “we shall not lack any good thing.” We shall not lack the presence of God, we shall not lack His blessing, we shall not lack His glory that brings us into this life that carries us through to do his work. That empowers us in order to bring glory to His kingdom, we shall not lack any good thing! “Fear of the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing.” Will you fear the Lord today? Will we call out to the Lord and pray, Father, let a Spirit of the fear of the Lord enter my heart so that I shall not lack any good thing. I shall lack nothing, but carry your presence in your glory and bring others into your kingdom. Thank you God, that you have called us for such a glorious time, and to fear your mighty name.!