In God’s Dwelling Place – EP69 (Psalm 91:1)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Psalm 91:1<br> "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." "Is the Lord your dwelling? Is the Lord your shelter?" Hello, and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast! Today I would like to share a very beautiful psalm, and it is Psalm 91! We're gonna begin with the first verse, but even as we begin I would like to ask the question today: Is the Lord your dwelling? Is the Lord your shelter? Now, verse one it says, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” And I love this because we're in a time right now in which we know that things like the coronavirus, things like the flu, and all sorts of sicknesses seem to be growing at such a rapid pace. It's grown to a point where kids are not in school, where businesses are closing and it's not just in our nation, but it's literally a worldwide thing. And what is happening right now? The government, people, everybody's looking for a safe dwelling. Nobody wants to be infected, you don't want to be in the wrong store at the wrong time, you don't want to be next to somebody that's sick and so everybody right now is looking to be basically on a lockdown. You know, maybe in their homes, maybe trying to just keep away from everybody and everything -- and the reality is, we're looking for a dwelling place.<br> "Father, you are the dwelling place that no fire can consume, you are the dwelling place that no germ can overtake, you are the dwelling place that no man can ever destroy" But when I want to really share from this Word -- it says that “whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High”, what I love about God.. see when you dwell in Him, when you make the Lord your focus for every single day, when you look and you seek His face saying ‘Father, you are the dwelling place that no fire can consume, you are the dwelling place that no germ can overtake, you are the dwelling place that no man can ever destroy’, see, the Word of the Lord says that we are able to find rest. It is a rest not just for our physical bodies, but God is saying that if you dwell in me, if you dwell and you seek my face and you make the Lord the one that you are after, if you seek me with all of your heart-- you will find a rest that no man can give, that no medicine can give. You see we're not just gonna find a rest from all the havoc of the world of viruses and sickness, but there is a rest that God brings to our soul. Is He your dwelling today? Is He your shelter? If not, I'm praying that you will begin to seek Him even now saying, ‘Father, I want to know you. Father, I want to be close to you. And as things are going crazy, Father, I will find a rest-- a rest that can only be found in the shadow of the Almighty.’<br> "His shadow is a shadow of rest and peace" Inside God's Dwelling PlaceNow as I read this, I'm thinking it says that we're gonna rest in His shadow; now there's another point in the Bible, and many of us may be familiar with it, that talks about a shadow -- and what is it? It's “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..” Now that's not a good shadow to be in. When I think of the ‘valley of the shadow of death’, I think of the turmoil of the world, I think of it as a place of deep dark sin, of a place of darkness that looks to consume us and to keep us from God, it's a scary place, it's not a joyful place. In the ‘valley of the shadow of death’ when we really look at it -- is to walk without the Lord, Jesus Christ. It's when our mind is always in worry and in fear because we seem to be in this dark place, this dark valley. It's when our hearts seem to faint left and right -- we're worried about money, we’re worried about sickness, we’re worried about all sorts of things and there just seems to be no rest. But I want to say today that there is rest in the shadow of the Almighty God because His shadow is not a darkened shadow of evil, His shadow is a shadow of rest and peace; the rest an...