Poet Julie E. Bloemeke And Crime Novelist Matt Coyle

Madame Perry's Salon show

Summary: Julie Bloemeke's joins us tonight to discuss her first full-length collection of  poetry, Slide to Unlock. A semifinalist in numerous book prizes including the Crab Orchard Review First Book Award and the Crab Orchard Review Poetry Open Competition with Southern Illinois University Press; Slide To Unlock also took the Washington Prize through Word Works; and the Hudson Prize through Black Lawrence Press. Matt Coyle is the author of the best-selling Rick Cahill crime novels. He knew he wanted to be a crime writer when he was fourteen and his father gave him the simple art of murder by Raymond Chandler. He graduated with a degree in English from University of California at Santa Barbara. His foray into crime fiction was delayed for thirty years as he spent time managing a restaurant, selling golf clubs for various golf companies, and in national sales for a sports licensing company. Tru Athletix was created to provide a simple and effective way for student-athletes to find the right University or College. Their team of professional advisors is made of up retired and current professional athletes with many years of experience in College and Pro Sports help match student-athletes with an institution based upon their abilities.