170 | Summer Remix #4: The Flip Phone Experiment

And Sons show

Summary: How would you feel if your high-tech smartphone was suddenly just a...phone? No apps. No Siri. No touch screen anything. Just a device to call people. Is your eye starting to twitch at the thought of it? In this installment of the AndSons summer series, Allen from the Wild at Heart team reveals his favorite past AndSons podcast. It's Episode 137 - originally titled No Smartphones for a Month. In an effort to fight the creeping, medicating, overextended presence of our smartphones, several on the team exchanged their smartphones for low-tech flip phones for thirty long days. The results tested our patience, revealed our over-dependence on the devices, and flipped our expectations going forward. It's a disruptive, freeing conversation about the ways we use our smartphones...and the ways our smartphones use us.