Daily Fill: Developing your Morning Routine

Drummers I Like Podcast show

Summary: <br> Welcome to the Now Wednesday edition of the Daily Fill with our Owner and founder Richard Ducat! Every Wednesday Richard gives us a dose of motivation, guidance, life hacks, marketing tips, and more!<br> Today's quote: <br> “We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in”. – Arianna Huffington.<br> Today's Sponsor: Predator Percussion Custom Stave Snare Drums - <a href="https://predatorpercussion.com">Click here to</a> visit the site<br> <br> WELL HELLO, MY DRUMTREPRENEURS! We are back with a fresh episode of the daily fill weekly podcast and show with your host Richard Ducat (That's ME!). Today, We are digging back into the battle plan and detailing everything regarding our morning routine. Check the steps below for an easy guide that you can copy and paste into your notes!<br> <br> HYDRATE: HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TALKED ABOUT THIS? Drink one bottle of water... Plain and simple.<br> Take perspective: It's important that we see the values in our lives every day and show appreciation for the amazing things we have in our lives<br> Overview the day and write down your goals: It's important to continually keep track of your goals and write them down daily… Follow this with an overview of your day and you will never fall off of track<br> Work out your body and your mind: For me, i use podcasts and the Micro.Fit App I recently created to help me stay on track with daily fitness. It takes me 6 minutes and while im running through this and the rest of my morning routine I am playing educational podcasts or courses each day to ensure im on the cutting edge of my craft and on the pulse of my business.<br> Create and say daily affirmations: This is a big one…. We need to focus on our mindset and that starts with telling yourself the things you need to hear and believe each day. Start with 5 powerful statements such as “ I am becoming a millionaire” “ I am leading my team to success”<br> Create a consistent set of morning chores:  I know this sounds boring and probably the last thing you need to do but Admiral McRaven said that If we start with a simple task like making our bed then we will feel a sense of accomplishment that will inevitably lead us to more accomplishments. This holds true and I believe its essential to put together a list of 5-6 morning chores you do each day to ensure the tidiness of your home, well being of your pets, comfort of your closest family members or children, assurance that your property holds value from consistent upkeep or just cleaning your toilet because ya know….<br> EAT SOMETHING: I know this whole intermittent fasting keto diet is taking the community by storm but listen… Ive tried it and its not something i would suggest… Not eating causes me physical stomach pain which distracts me from staying on task and limits my ability to accomplish my tasks at a 10X level. Keep it simple… Yogurt, Granola, Smoothies.<br> Reach out to your loved ones: This is my final step for good reason… After youve ripped through your morning and accomplished more then most will in their entire day you should dial it back and reach out to the ones you love. You will be in your most positive form and full of exertable joy that will most certainly bleed onto the receiving end of your conversations. This does two things… IT creates consistency in keeping up with our inner circle AND it promotes the well being of our relationships and their ability to grow and prosper.<br> <br> In closing: This simple 8 step protocol has been the basis for my efforts to creating a successful life and while they are not easy.... they sure are accomplishing. Take these in long strides and remember that it's the little things we do each day that add up to big accomplishments we can make!<br> <br> REMEMBER... You need to take notes, you need to apply these efforts ASAP.<br> <br>