Homebrew, Ham (Ken, that is) and Haim (CultureCast)

Homebrewed Culture Cast show

Summary: <a href="https://trippfuller.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/lucius.jpg"></a>After weeks of planning, we finally sat down with brewmaster-slash-theologian <a href="http://thecrookedmouth.com/">Andy Campbell</a> to homebrew a batch of beer. He takes us step-by-step through the process and helps Christian brew his first-ever batch of pale ale. Now, pretty much all Christian does is sit in his office and watch the yeast make bubbles. One…two…three…<br> Jordan’s also back with us for the Echo Chamber, where we talk up the Winter Olympics and the LGBT drama surrounding Sochi, as well as the “<a href="http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/02/04/271648691/watch-the-creationism-vs-evolution-debate-bill-nye-and-ken-ham">Ham on Nye</a>” Creation/Evolution debate that took place recently at the creation museum. By the end, Christian’s so fired up to debate Ken Ham that he offers to fly to Kentucky for a chat and to ride a dinosaur while presenting his case for a more thoughtful Christianity. We’re so very proud.<br> Jordan leads the way in recommendations with tips of the proverbial hat to several shows, including HBO’s “<a href="http://www.hbo.com/true-detective#/">True Detective</a>,” Comedy Central’s “<a href="http://www.broadcitytheshow.com/">Broad City</a>” and others the CultureCast crew is stoked about. Musically, Jordan’s on board with two female groups, “<a href="http://haimtheband.com/">Haim</a>” and “<a href="http://www.ilovelucius.com/">Lucius</a>,” while Christian’s favorite band of the week, “<a href="http://www.lakestreetdive.com/">Lake Street Dive</a>,” is only half female. Watch out boys; the ladies are a-takin’ over…<br> Reach out to our sponsors, <a href="http://erb.kingdomnow.org/slow-church-conference-indianapolis-april-3-5-2014/?pdref=1">Slow Church Conference</a> and <a href="http://www.weekofcompassion.org/">Week of Compassion</a>. Slow Church Conference has a $99 student rate to offer all students a deep discount to attend the conference. Check out the show for the promo code. Week of Compassion takes on aid for a new disaster somewhere in the world on average of every other day of the year. Plus, about 95 cents of every dollar donated goes to direct aid.  <br>  <br>