Open ANTIChertz at KansasFest 2013

Open Apple show

Summary: Mike Maginnis and Ken Gagne, the hosts of Open Apple, join forces with Carrington Vanston of <a href="" title="1 MHz: An Apple II Podcast -- Monster Feet Podcasts" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external noopener">1 MHz</a> and Kevin Savetz of <a href="" title="ANTIC The Atari 8-bit Podcast" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external noopener">ANTIC</a>, for one massive retro computing roundtable at KansasFest 2013. We chat about the convention’s two surprise guests — Steve Wozniak and a working Apple-1 — and how both came to be there, as well as our favorite sessions and games of the week, including Michael Sternberg’s tournament of Martin Haye’s <a href="" title="martin.haye / Structris — Bitbucket" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external noopener">Structris</a>.<br> It wasn’t long before Mike and Ken ditched the two other guys for the most amazing guest ever. Be sure to <a href="" title="Speaking with Steve Wozniak at KansasFest 2013 | Open Apple" data-wpel-link="internal">listen to our interview with Steve Wozniak</a>!<br> <a href="" class="thickbox" title="We're all washed up." data-wpel-link="internal"></a><br>