Don't Fall For It

On the Media show

Summary: <p>Recently, the president threatened the post office — and with it, the November elections. On this week's On The Media, a look at how decades of cuts to the mail system led to this emergency. Plus, the “birther” lie reared its ugly head once more — but this time, journalists were ready for it. And, the so-called "rising stars" of the Republican Party.</p> <p>1. Alex Shephard [<a href="">@alex_shephard</a>], staff writer at the <em>New Republic</em>, on the conservative tropes often employed by journalists covering the public sector — including the USPS. <a href="">Listen.</a> </p> <p>2. Charlie Warzel [<a href="">@cwarzel</a>], opinion writer-at-large at the <em>New York Times</em>, on the deluge of information and misinformation unleashed by the post office scandal. <a href="">Listen.</a>  </p> <p>3. Mark Joseph Stern [<a href="">@mjs_DC</a>], staff writer at Slate, on the “think tank” behind the Kamala Harris "birther" lie. <a href="">Listen.</a> </p> <p>4. Eugene Scott [<a href="">@Eugene_Scott</a>], political reporter at the <em>Washington Post</em>, on how journalists have covered the latest unfounded “birther” conspiracy, compared with the original one nearly a decade ago. <a href="">Listen.</a> </p> <p>5. Alex Pareene [<a href="">@pareene</a>], staff writer at the <em>New Republic</em>, on far-right fringe candidates finding a serious foothold in the Republican Party. <a href="">Listen.</a> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><em>Music from this week's show:</em></p> <p><em>Passing Time - John Renbourn</em></p> <p><em>Cellar Door - Michael Andrews</em></p> <p><em>Turnaround - Ornette Colema</em></p> <p><em>Shoot the Piano Player Player - Georges Delarue</em></p> <p><em>Sleep Talking - Ornette Coleman </em></p> <p><em>Mysterioso - Thelonius Monk/Kronos Quartet</em></p> <p><em>Middlesex Times - Michael Andrews</em></p>