1085. Bob Barker Returns as Hero of the Week

Animal Radio® show

Summary: America’s most recognized Animal Advocate, TV Host Bob Barker is back on Animal Radio for his thirteenth time. This time he’s Animal Radio’s Hero of The Week. Also, from the “Duh” Department, a new study reveals that dogs are indeed capable of feeling jealousy. Who paid for the study? You did. What’s next? A study to determine if dogs dream? Anyone who lives with animals knows that they are capable of many of the same feelings humans encounter. Also, Dorothy Hunter made it to day 30 of eating dog food. It was all to prove a point about human-grade pet-foods. Animal Radio checked in on her throughout her stunt. Now we find out what she ate on day 30. While Dorothy first human-meal was a big-fat-cheeseburger, she admits to a shinier and healthier coat. Also, Divorce these days not only means splitting belongings and custody of the kids, it may also include visitation for the pet. In fact, that is now often the case when pet families are split-up. Vinnie Penn can’t keep his mouth shut about this topic…or any other topic for that matter.