Missio Dei Part 4 - Shalom, Oikos and the person of Peace (Luke 10:5-6)

Sermons from Pakenham Lakeside Church show

Summary: Shalom means wholeness, balance, well-being, safety, and prosperity. It is everything in its right place -  life exactly as God planned it, life without the effects of sin, evil, and death. (Mark Sayers, the Vertical Self, p138-139) Jesus sends out his followers on his mission of 'peace' - not just 'Serenity' (as in the movie The Castle) but of bringing and proclaiming this kind of shalom to the people and places they visit. In Luke 10:5-6 Jesus says "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' If a person of peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you." These verses help us understand the vital missional importance of shalom, oikos (a network of interconnected relationships) and the 'person of peace' in God's mission, and our part in that. This sermon was preached on Sunday September 9th at St John's Southgate Lutheran Church, among the Lutheran Students and Friends community. It is designed to be used with: The bible study found at this link and the Prezi zooming visuals found at this link. It's part 4 in a series. You can find most of the other sermons and bible studies on this podcast. Enjoy