Dressing for Success in the New Normal with Tiara J

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Let's be honest, in the world of zoom...pants are optional. The running joke has become that business meetings have become business up top and party down below. With that being said, what does dressing for success look like in 2020? <br><br>As a wardrobe stylist spoke to both the visual way we dress for success and the mental way that we dress for success. Traditional ways of doing business are in the rearview mirror which leaves some unanswered questions for those in the speaking industry. There was already a shift from suits and dresses to t-shirts and jeans within the last few years. <br><br>So, are pajamas in the next wave of speaker attire?<br><br>Tiara J started off by stating that the presentation really does matter. When we realize that how we show up is a representation of our brand, then we will show up leaving the impression on people that makes them want to connect with us. We want them to support us, become our clients, or become a platform that we can use. With that in mind, your first impression truly does matter...make it count! <br><br>Do a self-check when it comes to these major areas:<br>Your background <br>Your audio <br>Your lighting <br>Your family or guests<br><br>Dressing for success takes on a different meaning when we think about relationships. With the shift to homeschooling and remote working, relationships have been strained and stretched to their limits. When you think about dressing for success there you must include both verbal and non-verbal communication. We have to take an honest look at the effects of stress on us and our loved ones. Are they covering up stress with overeating like a patch over a rip in a dress? <br><br>Tiara's gems: <br><br>Take the time to get to know yourself <br>Look at what is causing you stress and determine if you can let it go<br>Communication is your fits line of defense <br>Know when it is time to rest <br><br>Tiara makes a point of sharing how important it is to recognize when you have to tap the reset button in life and in business. Not just a regular rest either. She said a hard reset. She stressed the importance of self-love self-care and managing your time! Wherever you put your focus is when you will spend your time. Think about where you have been spending your time recently. <br>Is it where you wanted to be? If not, let's change that!<br><br>Meet Tiara Johnson: <br><br>Tiara Johnson is a Mompreneur Powerhouse! She is a Wardrobe Stylist Extraordinaire, Business Social Media Strategist, Mentor, Women’s Advocate, #Metoo Overcomer, and SHE IS OFFICIALLY NOW AN AUTHOR!!!!! She is a native of Washington DC where she raises her 11-year-old daughter, the future Madame President 2048. She is the Founder and CEO of Women with Vision, Her Seat at the Table, and Styled by Tiara J where she assists Women bosses in training to find their purpose as well as take the necessary first steps in launching their brands and businesses.<br>Tiara’s organizations are founded on love, support, unity, and women’s empowerment. Her mission is to empower today’s women to reach greater heights for tomorrow’s world. Tiara’s Mission in Life is pledging to make the everyday woman look like she is walking straight off the runway. One of her Favorite Quotes is: When you believe in your dreams eventually others will start to believe as well.<br><br>Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)<br>Facebook: Tiara Johnson<br>Instagram: iam_tiaraj<br>Twitter: @TheTiaraJBrand