New Releases, June 2012, Special Podcast Edition

New Sounds from WNYC show

Summary: It's that time of the month again for the new releases show on New Sounds. John Schaefer carefully separates the wheat from the chaff for this show.  He'll sort through the stacks of new CDs, the strange Soundcloud free-associations, and the highly anticipated digital submissions which have come across his desk and into his inbox over the past month to present some of the finest new releases. He'll skim off the cream. He'll pick the lentils from the ashes. You get it. Take a listen to the arresting sounds of a bass clarinet "abused" by Gareth Davis, together with the double-bow-wielding cellist Frances-Marie Uitti.  And more. PROGRAM #3352 , New Releases June 2012 (First aired on 6/29/2012)                                                     ARTIST(S) RECORDING CUT(S) SOURCE Dou Dou N'Diaye M'Bengue Thiato thiate Thiato thiate [5:09] Felmay 8038 Maria Monti Il Bestiario Il Letargo [8:07] Ri Fi Records (1974) Reissued by Unseen Worlds SOLUS3 Corner of the World Reich [7:55] Solus 3 CD 2 Stefano Barone Danze Altalenanze Lab4kids [4:43] Gareth Davis & Frances-Marie Uitti Gramercy 2 am [4:35] Miasmah Records MIA 019