Listen Before You Leap with Carla Debro

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Saying yes to our dreams requires us to take a leap but that leap should be strategic. Deciding to "go forth" is the thing that many struggles with. There are so many questions that come to mind and opposition that rises up after you commit to a yes. So how do you keep from leaping into a pit? <br><br>Look at your past! <br><br>Often times the things we have overcome or endured have created the tools we need to take that leap forward. The feeling of fear will always attempt to override your yes. For Carla, it happened when she had an idea that she hesitated when it was time to take that leap. She sidestepped the assignment and found herself in a really challenging situation. It brought her to a place where she had to make a decision to trust the plans of God or to follow the suggestions of those she surrounded herself with. How many of you can relate to being that space?<br><br>The enemy is watching to see if you will take the leap. When you take that leap be mindful of these types of people.<br><br>~ People that will try to take advantage of you <br>~ People that are a distraction <br>~ People that question your leap <br><br>This will be the time when your prayers are truly your weapon. Forgiveness will be necessary as you begin to see how people act and react to your leap. Walking in bitterness will sabotage the leap that you are about to take. It can become something will tale the focus off of your goals. Also, be mindful of pride and arrogance that rises up when you are preparing to leap. Carla shared that these were some of the things that she endured when she was taking her leap. <br><br>Prepare for the leap:<br>Prayer <br>Write it down <br>Ask questions <br>Check your circle <br>Be willing to shift<br><br>Nurturing the seeds and harvest that you will notice when you are taking that leap. The things that you do not have God will send someone to show up with it. Don't allow yourself to get stuck in your past. Your greatest life is not there. That goes for anyone who may have thought they their leap is delayed or detoured. Don't compare your journey and life with the journey and life of others. You don't know what the leap in their life cost them. (It may not always be a God-inspired leap) God is able to restore any time lost so don't watch the clock when it is time to leap. <br>Carla DeBro worked as an inner-city school teacher for over 22 years. However, last year God spoke to her about the importance of leaping to start her own business. Although God spoke to her, she had her own plans on how things should be. Until she began to listen to God, she was only spinning her wheels and getting nowhere. Carla believes in the power of God and His willingness to save us from our own destruction. She is an aspiring author and businesswoman who asks God for His guidance daily.<br><br>Her resent manuscript Hell Bound on the Sex and Drug Express has been accepted by a well known Christian publisher. Carla knows this confirms what God has placed in her heart to share with others. It’s time to change and recognize the spiritual battle that we are in.<br><br>Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)<br>Truth - Life's Secrets (Facebook)<br>Ruth DeBro (Linkedin)