706 | The most powerful word in business…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: When I had decided absolutely to start a freedom business a strange thing happened.<br> <br> <br> <br> I learned about the Value Cycle, (entire video discussing what it is and how to use it is in the Freedom Club), and it lit my mind on fire!<br> <br> I went from having NO ideas on what niche to go into or products or anything specific to 1000's of ideas.<br> <br> It's like the act of deciding I was going to do it FOR SURE turned on something in me.<br> <br> At first, I really liked it.<br> <br> I was a business idea generator.<br> <br> 1000's of business ideas.<br> <br> 1000's of different avatars I wanted to help.<br> <br> 1000's product idea's<br> <br> I had so many business ideas it was hard to sleep.<br> <br> It actually became a bit of a burden. <br> <br> I didn't know which idea I should focus my time on.<br> <br> At first, I decided to pick about 5 businesses and give them all a shot, which I did. <br> <br> It was chaos.<br> <br> Couple 5 businesses with FOMO (fear of missing out) on all the shiny and new techniques the big-wig goo roos were tempting me with so they could make more dollars and I was making very little progress in ANY of my business.<br> <br> This actually went on for years until I ended up in a very special local mastermind group.<br> <br> There was only 5 of us and we'd meet once, sometimes twice a month.<br> <br> Every time we'd meet we'd all get a turn chatting about our businesses, what worked, what didn't work, and what we needed help on.<br> <br> There were some big hitters in the group, but one specifically taught me a very important lesson.<br> <br> We'll call him "Mike". Mike had a big business. Mike was making about 1 million dollars a month, no joke. Mike didn't say too much, but when he did it was usually life altering.<br> <br> One time, I was blathering on about several problems I was having in several of my businesses. I realized that the Mike didn't really say anything after I blathered on and on and I made a mental note to talk to in after, which I did.<br> <br> I asked him what he thought about my general issues with business and if he had any advice.<br> <br> He said my main problem was that I couldn't say the most magic and important word in business…<br> <br> NO.<br> <br> He said I’d make as much money as he does from saying no to everything except what will help his ONE audience the most and that makes him the most money. That's it. One business, one issue.<br> <br> That changed everything for me. <br> <br> I started learning to say no.<br> <br> One of the 5 business I had was Internet Business Mastery and it was a "whenever we get around to it" business.<br> <br> I talked to my business partner, Jason, and we decided to say no to everything else and just focus.<br> <br> That one act changed our future.<br> <br> We doubled our profits each year for the next 4 years (and had nice steady growth for years after) all by saying NO to everything but what would help our audience most.<br> <br> No. No. NO.<br> <br> No really comes down to focus, learning about the Value Cycle, and picking one audience to help. Building a business around that is what changed everything for me.<br> <br> If you're ready to learn about all three you can do it right now here:<br> http://www.JoinFreedomClub.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education