CEO: The Truth About My Daily Life Running A Business

Impact School with Lauren Tickner show

Summary: <p>This podcast is to give you clarity of where you should be and how you should be functioning.</p> <p>The purpose of this is so that each member understands their role and their responsibilities within Impact School.</p> <p><strong>6:01  </strong><u><strong> What a CEO should spend their time doing (daily basis)</strong></u></p> <ul> <li>Empowering the leadership team and making sure they have everything they need to make sure their department can operate in the best way possible.<br> </li> <li>Coaching them and helping them by giving them access to everything that is required.<br> </li> <li>Making sure that they have the support that is necessary.<br> </li> <li>Coming up with ideas and <u>communicating them with the leadership teams</u>. Also figuring out how to implement it.<br> </li> <li>You are a Leader of leaders.<br> </li> <li>Finding new opportunities to improve the functionality of the business or will help enhance the business.<br> </li> <li>Tracking how much rev came in, how much has gone out and having a good understanding of where the business is at so you know how to take the next steps.<br> </li> <li>Listening to team members - but making sure that they are thinking for themselves as well.<br> </li> </ul> <p><strong>13:43 why it is so important for a CEO to have a team and what happens if there is no team.</strong></p> <ul> <li>If there is no team/ or you have a team that does NOT use their initiative, you end up being very much <strong>reactive</strong> to the current situations/problems/opportunities that pop ends up becoming unorganised and exhausted due to everyone wanting you to help them.<br> </li> <li>If the CEO is reactive this results in them having no energy!!! And it rubs off on EVERYONE. Also the productivity will suffer if you are tired if lower level issues are brought up to the top of the company, this will be INEFFECTIVE and that is why you need a team so that there is a <strong>filter</strong> so that you can focus on the bigger picture.<br> </li> <li>.if a team member has got an issue, try to get them to think of a solution before they bring it up.<br> </li> <li>The goal is to reduce the level of STRESS and PRESSURE.<br> </li> </ul> <p><strong>21:18 relationship between profit and the CEO/leadership teams  energy levels.</strong></p> <ul> <li>When everything is growing sometimes it's best to employ more team members to reduce the stress on the current members and spread the workload over a bigger team. Not only that, but it allows people to work to the best of their ability instead of everyone being burnt-out.<br> </li> <li>HONESTY IS KEY and for the TEAM LEADERS to bring this up to you so that you have a good understanding of everything that is going on.</li> </ul> <p><br></p> <p><strong>26:34  Other side of profit - the things you wouldn't always think about.<br> </strong></p> <ul> <li>If your team knows that you are profitable, it gives them more security, so try to be transparent with your team, and it encourages a positive culture.<br> </li> <li>It’s also important that you reinvest your profits as well back into your business.<br> </li> </ul> <p><strong>38:22  Trusting your team</strong></p> <ul> <li>Building a team is so important. Because trying to do it all by yourself your clients won't be able to get the best service as they can.</li> </ul> <p>DM Lauren on Instagram @laurentickner saying "CALL" if you'd like to book your call to see if and how we can help.</p> <p>FREE Lead Generation Masterclass access: <a href=""></a><br> <br> Free Course:</p> <p>Let's Connect Across Social Media:</p> <p>Instagram: <a href=""></a></p> <p>LinkedIn: <a href="http://www.linkedin/com/in/laurentickner">http://www.linkedin/com/in/laurentickner</a><br> </p>