#200 – Celebrating 200 Simple Pin Podcast Episodes

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> If you’ve ever had a dream of growing a business but you’re scared to start, this episode is for you. I know that feeling all too well, and today I am sharing how I moved past it and the incredible growth that I’ve experienced in doing so.<br> 200 Simple Pin Podcast Episodes!<br> I can hardly believe we have hit the 200th episode of the <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/simple-pin-podcast/">Simple Pin podcast</a>! I am so blessed by you and by all the amazing guests I’ve had on this show since it started, way back in May of 2016. <br> I am also really about the guest I have on today’s episode. <a href="https://becomeablogger.com/">Leslie Samuel</a> was my very first business coach and the one who convinced me to start this podcast. I was so scared! But it has turned out to be one of my favorite things I do. <br> <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/overcoming-fear-in-your-business/">Overcoming Fear in Business: Learn How to Do It Scared</a><br> Leslie and I chat about a lot in this episode, including what <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/coaching-vs-mastermind-group/">business coaching</a> looks like, how to grow a business, <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/overcoming-fear-in-your-business/">what it means to push through when you’re scared</a>, and how we wrestle through the challenges of being an entrepreneur. <br> I just have to share a direct quote from Leslie here because it perfectly sums up who he is and what he does:<br> <br> I love to take people from, ‘Do you really think I can do that?’, to ‘Oh my word! 200 episodes!!<br> <br> <br>  <br> You Can Do It!<br> Leslie loves working with people because he sees the potential in each person. <br> We are all full of potential. Unfortunately, we tend to get in our own heads and we convince ourselves that we can’t really do the things we want to do. <br> We tell ourselves that we actually don’t have what it takes to accomplish our goals and reach our dreams. <br> In his previous life, Leslie spent time as a biology professor. As he studied the human brain, he was amazed to observe what we are able to accomplish if we simply allow ourselves to move forward. <br> You truly can do whatever you set your mind to do. <br> Can You Make Money Online?<br> I started coaching with Leslie at the end of 2014. As I look back on that time, I remember feeling a ton of fear. I was even afraid to hire a business coach. But a friend of mine had been coached by Leslie and she told me I simply had to do it. <br> I asked Leslie to think back to that time and he remembers seeing the potential in me. <br> <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/simple-pin-story/">I already had a small business</a>. I had clients who were paying me every month. It wasn’t huge and I wasn’t making much money, planted the seed to grow something that was viable. <br> Leslie firmly believes that:<br> <br> if you’re already making money online, you’re miles ahead of people who are trying to make money online.<br> <br> So, I had demonstrated that I had the ability to make money online, even though my business was still relatively small. <br> If you have people who are willing to pay you for something you provide online — whether it’s a service like I was selling or a product — then other people will also be willing to pay you for it. <br> Reaching Beyond My Comfort Zone<br> When I first began working with Leslie, I had around seven clients. And I was confused. <br> I had this group of clients who were paying me but, I had zero idea how to move forward or what to do next. And I had no systems in my business. I was basically flying by the seat of my pants every single day. <br> And so, the first six months were spent laying some necessary foundations in my business. We worked on systems. And then we worked on growth. <br> I remember reaching 20 clients, and I decided that was good enough for me and we could st...