Special Boys to Men Series with Shannaan Dawda

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: Everyone has a dad or father story that has become a cornerstone of their existence. That story may be a painful one or a powerful one but the impact of it stretches into multiple areas of our everyday lives. Join me as I interview 13 influential men about the impact that a father story has had on their education, business, families, and self-care. <br><br>Watching his father while he was growing up created the foundation for the work ethic Shannaan lives by. Even after going the traditional route and achieving a corporate job, he found himself being drawn into entrepreneurship. His father was a taxi driver and then he upgraded to opening a limousine company. <br><br>"Here was this young black boy watching his father be his own boss his whole life." <br><br>When the office politics became too much to handle it was only natural that Shannaan would find his way to entrepreneurship. An idea he presented to his CPA firm that was turned down became his way out. It was a wide-open market that the firm was not interested in reaching. That is entrepreneurship at its core. Finding the gaps and the areas where things can be better than taking the steps to fill those gaps. You navigate through the challenges. <br><br>Shannaan shared some nuggets that will help any entrepreneur in their journey<br>~ Be the example...your first client <br>~ Confidence comes through action<br>~ Check your reasons for deciding to be in the industry you choose<br>~ Be uncomfortable with being uncomfortable<br><br>Embracing change allows you to be able to pivot when difficult situations arise. This is a valuable lesson that is learned in the entrepreneurial journey. <br><br>The number one complaint from working millennials is that they were never taught life money management skills in a school or by their parents. As a result, many of you are left feeling like the lack of financial education is the key contributor to living paycheck to paycheck. Sadly, it’s not just millennials struggling financially. <br><br><br>According to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) 2015 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey, “41% of adults gave themselves grades C, D or F with regard to their personal finance knowledge, 29% have not saved anything for retirement, 34% have no savings.”<br><br><br>These negative financial outcomes and low levels of consumer knowledge and confidence make it obvious that financial literacy in America should be a national priority. <br><br><br>Given these factors, the sole focus of From Paychecks to Power is to empower you to gain financial freedom, ditch debt, and manage your money with ease and effectiveness. Through one-on-one financial coaching, custom debt-elimination plans, and comprehensive financial education, Paychecks to Power is your trusted source for financial empowerment.<br><br>“MORE MONEY EQUALS MORE OPTIONS.”<br>-Shannaan Dawda<br><br>Connect with Shannaan on Instagram: <br><a href="https://www.instagram.com/shannaandawda/" rel="noopener">https://www.instagram.com/shannaandawda/</a>