X Minus One - Mars Is Heaven (05-08-55)

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod show

Summary: X Minus One - Mars Is Heaven (Aired May 8, 1955) Episodes of the show include adaptations of Robert Sheckley's "Skulking Permit," Bradbury's "Mars Is Heaven," Heinlein's "Universe" and "The Green Hills of Earth", " Pohl’s "The Tunnel under the World," J. T. McIntosh’s "Hallucination Orbit," Fritz Leiber’s "A Pail of Air" and George Lefferts' "The Parade". The program opened with announcer Fred Collins delivering the countdown, leading into this introduction (although later shows were partnered with Galaxy Science Fiction rather than Astounding Science Fiction):...Countdown for blastoff... X minus five, four, three, two, X minus one... Fire! [Rocket launch SFX] From the far horizons of the unknown come transcribed tales of new dimensions in time and space. These are stories of the future; adventures in which you'll live in a million could-be years on a thousand may-be worlds. The National Broadcasting Company in cooperation with Street and Smith, publishers of Astounding Science Fiction presents... X Minus One. THIS EPISODE: May 8, 1955. NBC network origination, WRVR-FM, New York rebroadcast. "Mars Is Heaven". Participating sponsors. The first Earthmen to arrive on Mars find some very familiar sights and even more familiar people. This is a quality upgrade, syndicated and sponsored version of cat. #1097. Syndicated rebroadcast date: November 26, 1973. The script was used previously on "Escape" on June 2, 1950 (see cat. #24307), on "Dimension X" on July 7, 1950 (see cat. #39679) and January 7, 1951 (see cat. #54686) and subsequently on "Future Tense" during July, 1976 (see cat. #23800). The "Dimension X" program was rebroadcast on "Monitor" during September, 1973. William Zuckert, Bill Lipton, Margaret Berlin, William Griffis, Ken Williams, Ethel Everett, Edwin Jerome, Ray Bradbury (author), Wendell Holmes, Peter Capell, Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), William Welch (producer), Fred Weihe (director). 26:25 Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.