694 | Are you in this dangerous, endless loop?

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: Yesterday I finished my 3rd watching of the new HBO show, Westworld. I very much love this show.<br> <br> <br> <br> The thing to know about me is I'm a long form story connoisseur, that's a fancy way of saying I am a very picky TV show watcher. I worked in Hollywood and studied screenwriting for about 14 years ending my career as an editor at Warner Brothers. I am one of these snobby artists that was very picky and particular, so I don't just like any TV shows.<br> <br> It's very trendy to say, "I don't watch TV, I don't even have a TV in my house." Well good for you, superstar, I happen to love watching and analyzing *ONLY THE BEST* shows. They have to be really good to get the full treatment...<br> <br> Speaking of good, back to the really good Westworld.<br> <br> Most people still haven't heard about Westworld. It came out a couple months ago and, thankfully, got enough people watching it that it is going to have a second season.<br> <br> The show revolves around a sort of theme park for adults. <br> <br> It's set in the future...<br> <br> Has robots that look exactly like humans with near human artificial intelligence and...<br> <br> The theme park is set in the old west and...<br> <br> Anthony Hopkins plays the Godlike creator of the park and...<br> <br> ...it's awesome!<br> <br> It's awesome because it dives deep into what it's like to be human. <br> <br> Like any really good tv shows, you can learn a lot about yourself when watching them. (That doesn't happen to you? You must be watching crappy tv shows!)<br> <br> One of the ideas I really liked in Westworld is the idea that the robot "host" characters are stuck in their prewritten loops. A loop is a specific story that was written for them and they really can't deviate too much from it. So if you are the beautiful and innocent rancher's daughter that loves to paint and help your father you can't just change your mind and go off and join the cavalry to chase bandits or become a hooker at Mave's brothel.<br> <br> You have to stay in the story loop that was written for you.<br> <br> That got me thinking, that is what most people are living out everyday. We are mostly moist robots (Scott Adam's term) caught in our own story loops.<br> <br> Is your story loop that you have no time to start your freedom business, but you will as soon as you're done with X?<br> <br> Is your story loop that you just can't think of a business idea or audience you'd want to create value for?<br> <br> Are you stuck in the story loop of collecting tons of information that you will use "one day" once you gather enough and that "one day" never comes?<br> <br> Is your story loop that you are not good enough to change people's lives with fascinating and useful content?<br> <br> If you are stuck in these endless story loops you are in danger of feeling the dreaded, "death's door" emotion: <br> <br> Regret.<br> <br> There are a group of people out in the world that are waiting for you to break free of those negative story loops and help them change their lives.<br> <br> If I hadn't broke free of my bullshit, restrictive story loops you wouldn't be reading this right now, the Freedom Club wouldn't exist and I wouldn't have been able to help the people I've helped.<br> <br> Your audience is waiting for you right now.<br> <br> The loop ends when you take a small action towards what you really desire.<br> <br> Take that action now.<br> <br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education