Your Lying Eyes

On the Media show

Summary: <p>In recent weeks, the Trump administration has removed multiple people from key watchdog roles. On the week’s On the Media: how the president keeps weakening the tools meant to hold him accountable. Plus, looking for truth when police keep lying.</p> <p>1. Liz Hempowicz [<a href="">@lizhempowicz</a>] of the <a href="">Project on Government Oversight</a> on the breakdown of the accountability state under President Trump. <a href="">Listen.</a></p> <p>2. Eric Boehlert [<a href="">@EricBoehlert</a>] on what stories that frame cops as victims teach us about the relationship between police and the press. <a href="">Listen.</a></p> <p>3. Kevin Riley [<a href="">@ajceditor</a>], Atlanta Journal Constitution editor, on what happens when reporters demand more skeptical coverage of law enforcement. <a href="">Listen.</a></p> <p>4. Dan Taberski [<a href="">@dtaberski</a>] on his podcast series “<a href="">Running From Cops</a>,” which interrogated how the newly-cancelled series COPS made the world seem like a more crime-ridden place. <a href="">Listen.</a></p>