Matchmaking A Diet to Your Personality – Podcast Nutrition Tidbits Podcast show

Summary: Heather K. Jones talks about the various diet "types" and how finding your diet type will help you stick to a sustainable, life-long plan for total wellness.<br> <br> Host: Gloria Tsang, RD<br> Guest: Heather K. Jones, RD<br> <br> With so many different diets and weight-loss regimes out there, it is hard to figure out which one works for you specifically. Maybe it makes sense to do a little matchmaking, between your personality and the type of diet that suits you. Heather K. Jones, author of What's Your Diet Type?, talks about the various diet "types" and how finding your diet type will help you stick to a sustainable, life-long plan for total wellness.<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> Transcript:<br> Gloria Tsang, RD: With so many different weight loss diets out there, it's hard to figure out which one works for you specifically. Maybe it makes sense to do a little matchmaking, between your personality and the type of diet that suits you. Welcome to the Nutrition Tidbits podcast. This is Gloria Tsang, Editor-in-Chief for Joining me today is nutritionist Heather K. Jones. She's the author of the book, What's Your Diet Type? She is here today to talk about the various diet "types" and how finding your diet type will help you stick to a life-long plan for total wellness. Thank you for joining me Heather.<br> <br> Heather K. Jones, RD: Of course!<br> <br> Gloria Tsang, RD: Now for the newer members of, you might not know Heather. But Heather has been our contributor writer back in 2007 so we are all very excited for her to have her book out this year. So congratulations Heather!<br> <br> Heather K. Jones, RD: Thanks, very, very much.<br> <br> Gloria Tsang, RD: Tell us the basic premise of the book. How does this approach differ from all other diet books out there?<br> <br> Heather K. Jones, RD: Well most diet books ask you to change who you are to fit their plan. This diet book isn't so much about going on a specific diet per se, it's about finding out more about who you are so you can find a weight loss approach that you can follow for life. It's not about going on a diet and then once you lose the weight you go off that diet. It's about learning more about the kind of person that you are so you can find an approach that last for you for a life time. Because diet is not about just the food or how much you work out, it's about the type of person that you are and the type of approach that is going to work for you.<br> <br> Gloria Tsang, RD: In your book you mentioned there are four general diet types. There are diet planners, players, feelers and thinkers. Let's pick one just to talk about. Let's talk about a diet player since you confess to be one. Can you describe this diet type to us?<br> <br> Heather K. Jones, RD: Diet players like myself don't really like to follow strict diet rules. While they might try those types of plans and say to themselves ok, this time, I'm going to follow the rules, I am going to do what I'm supposed to and I am going to eat what I am supposed to and I'm going to lose that weight. But the players go against their true self to have to follow a strict plan. They like to live in the here and now and they like to go with the flow, keep their options as they are. This kind of plan doesn't work for them. Unfortunately, a lot of the weight loss plans that are out there really require you to have a lot of rules. You know, whether you are counting points or you are eating these foods and not eating those foods. Most diet plans require rules. So a player can get lost in that and what they need is a more balanced way to look at life. A balanced way to keep foods around them and their house and where they work that they actually like and are actually good for them. And to allow themselves to go out and eat foods that are not necessarily the best things for them from time to time as long as they balance that w...