6.8.20 AM | Michael Berry Co-Hosts The Leonard Lazar Show

The Michael Berry Show show

Summary: Colin Powell endorses another Democrat and the wans us to believe that this is some big deal; According to Democrats, shuts downs are good but the protests are allowed. Mitt Romney marches with BlackLivesMatter; George W. Bush supposedly not going to vote for Trump; Media Matter attempted hit on the czar as Fox 26 Houston tries to make a story out of it; Minneaspolis mayor shouted down and chase out of march because he doesn’t want to defund police; <br><br>The food desert problem in Chicago’s south side grows thanks to rioting and looting destroying more grocery stores; the murders in Chicago continues despite the protests; more than 1,000 public health ‘experts’ sign on to letter supporting nationwide BLM protests while also saying they want the shutdowns to continue<br><br>2 Live Crew on this day in history a record store owner is arrested for carrying the album; The Larry Lauzard show as Michael turns caller into show host, allowing him to take over the show