Composer and Producer Emily Wells Scales Back to Elemental

Soundcheck show

Summary: <p>Violinist, singer, keyboardist and drummer Emily Wells is a producer and composer capable of producing a full band sound; her series of “symphonies” turned her voice and live-looped violin, drums, percussion, and effects into a one-woman orchestra. In 2019, she released her swirling and dramatic chamber-pop collection, <em>This World Is Too _____ For You</em>, complete with a string quintet and French horn. Now, Emily Wells has revisited some of those grand cinematic songs on her latest record, <em>In the Dark Moving, </em>which she recorded last summer as a project to hear the essence of those songs stripped down to voice and guitar.</p> <p>With Nina Simone on the wall of her home studio, Emily Wells joins us to share these songs in their most elemental form, along with a new song written this March - “I’m Numbers.” </p> <ul> "Rock N Roll Man" "Come on Doom, Let’s Party" "I’m Numbers" (Written while sheltering in place in March 2020) </ul>