Episode 260 - Will Willimon: Karl Barth's Emergency Homiletic

Crackers and Grape Juice show

Summary: What does a theologian say to young preachers in the early 1930s, at the dawn of the Third Reich?<br><br>Karl Barth's lectures on preaching amidst the growing cloud of Nazism in 1932-1933 resulted in the little book, Homiletics. In it, Barth takes his students back to the fundamental questions about what preaching is and what it is for, returning again and again to the affirmation of the Godness of God, the only ground of resistance to ideological captivity.<br><br>In this latest episode, Jason and Dr. Johanna talk with Bishop Will Willimon, author of Conversations with Barth on Preaching, about Barth's emergency homiletic for pandemic times.